When I was first researching my country, the United States, I was scared and nervous on what it was going to be like. Sure I knew my countries background and views, but I did not have a real grasp on what to expect. So all I could do to prepare was to know my countries views and history. Not to make things better, when I asked my brother what to expect and what is was going to be like he just said, “Don’t worry about it, it is easy.” Also the day before SIMUN we tried a practice scenario the day before, but since we were all freshmen the debate didn’t really take off.
When SIMUN was all said and done, I felt that I played a key role in the debates and participated a lot, even though I’m only a freshman. I tried to represent the United States to the best of my abilities and to stand by their views, even when I didn’t agree with them (which was almost never). I tried to constantly ask questions to the speaker and to be on the speakers list. I caucused with my allies such as Germany, France, India, and Mexico. We worked together to pass resolutions and so voice our countries opinions.
Overall I felt that SIMUN was a great experience and was very fun to debate with other countries such as China and Cuba. I feel that this has not only opened my eyes to current events happening in the world, it has also helped me to learn to debate better and speak in front of others much better without stuttering or saying “um” every five seconds. It has also helped me to understand what really happens in the United Nations on a daily basis and to meet some of the upper classmen in Global Education.
SIMUN was a whole lot of fun in itself, but there are some areas of the experience that I could have done better on. Next year I plan to not only look up how my country feels about a current, but also how the opposing countries feel about it. I also need to work on my debating and speaking skills before next year so I can sound more professional. In the end SIMUN was a great experience for me and other Globies and I can’t wait until next year to do it again.