Yes he is the Untied States leader for another three years and we should support him to better our country because there is no point to whining for three years, but I feel he should not be get this award for many reasons. First off the timing to be nominated was two weeks after he was elected and he could not have helped world peace in two weeks yet! Yes I agree that is a good speaker, but what has he really do to help world peace? He has tried to stop the war yes, but so have many other past presidents and they have not won the Nobel Peace Prize. The organization was trying to make a political statement, that they did not agree with the past President Bush's approach to dealing with other countries. Unlike President Bush, President Obama does not want to charge into other countries, he wants to do it peacefully.
One great example of a person that really worked hard and deserved this great award was Martin Luther King Jr. He worked his whole like for Civil Rights for blacks and whites to be equal. He was so passionate about it he gave his life for the wonderful cause. He later was murdered outside his hotel. Unlike Dr. King, Obama has done nothing and is giving a bad name to the once wonderful award.
He has made many promises to stop Iran from achieving nuclear arms, but at the last United Nations meeting. He talking with papers in his hand about Iran's secret nuclear factory but did not share the information with the United Nations. If he was really trying for peace, would he have not divulged the information he had of the where abouts of a secret nuclear factory? For this I feel appalled that he could get such an award and not even do a simple peace transaction as share information to a peaceful organisation. In the next few years he should prove to the world now that he realy desearved to win the Nobel Peace Prize Award
That is the exact world topic I wrote about