Thursday, January 21, 2010

Colonizing the World

Thesis- When places with people already on the lands get colonized, they lose their culture.

For centuries dominate European powers have taken over weaker nations to gain more power, wealth, and land. European countries have always wanted to be the most powerful country in the world. Whether they have to do it colony by colony or by war they want power. One of the many ways Europe would gain more land was from colonization. When British people, Dutch, or other countries colonize areas they would always have many things in common. For example, when South Africa and other colonies are take over. The higher class of people make the native inferior class their slaves to work in mines, on farms, or just the average house maid. Europe has always found it their job to make the rest of the world more "civilized." So when they would take over an area, besides making the natives their slaves. They would try to suck out the peoples old cultures and "breed" them into their culture. They found this as doing them a favor for the future.

This was not the case in all situations though. In Australia they tried to breed them out, but in South Africa they did not want to teach them anything, because they thought the natives would overthrow the white leaders. Along with all these things that would happen to the natives, often time they were segregated against. In South Africa, the natives were forced to live in a slum part of the outskirts of towns. While the white higher in class lived in the nice towns. Even though higher cultures have taken over weaker cultures throughout history, some in even more brutal ways. The native people should at least have been allowed some rights that they were not given. Colonization is a way of life and it is similar in almost all cases throughout time.

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