There once was a far away land with rolling hills, huge mountains, and rivers cutting through the land. This was the great land called Roflol; This great and wonderful land was ruled by a king, named Bob, who had a wife named Jill. One day Bob came home from a peace talk trip to their neighboring country called Likew, hoping to see his beautiful wife. Hurriedly, Bob walked into his castle searching for his wife. He searched high; He searched low; He even searched his pond in the courtyard, but his wife was nowhere to be found. Throat gulping, stomach filled with butterflies, his court jester walked in and said “The Likew people took Jill to go feed her to the evil dragon while you were gone my highness.” Heart on fire, eyes bulging out, fist clenching his seat, he called on all of his soldiers to go get the queen back. The king’s men were not stupid though; They were not willing to go a for sure death sentence just to save a women. When the king realized this he was furious, and had to go send a select group of bounty hunters to go get her back.
When the men walked in the king told them all that happen and the reward for bringing the queen back alive. The king was hoping though with all his heart that his dear beloved Jill wasn’t already cast into the dragons fiery mouth. So the bounty hunters set off for the dragons cave. On the way there they encountered several traps set by the Likew’s. One of the men were walking, without paying attention, and fell into a pit fall trap and was impaled by a set of pointed blades in the ground. Another man was walking and tripped a line tide across the ground and two huge tree trunks came swinging down crushing his skull in between. After the long and fearsome journey, there was two men left. There was a man named Dan and the other named Mat. Mat and Dan were good friends, but when it came to money they were as greedy as a spoiled little kid. The next night, the two men reached the cave. Dan hesitated to go in first, so Mat just went running in and was picked up by his head and killed instantly by the dragon. Lips trembling, legs shaking, arms trembling, Dan went in. They beast and the great warrior fought a long battle, but only one of them could live; With the thrust of Dan’s sword he pierced the dragon right through its neck and killed it. So Dan returned home with the queen, hoping he could live without his friend Mat. Dan from then on out was knight by the king Sir Dan The Man. Word Count- 466
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