As I said in one of my past posts, I am in Boy Scouts. Over this coming summer my brother, dad, and I are going to be traveling down to the Sea Base in Key West Florida. Sea base is one of three high adventure trips that is in Boy Scouts. At Sea Base they lend you a boat with a captain to oversee things, but you basically sail down the Florida Keys for six days on your own with a crew of other scouts. On the way down you snorkel many times a day and can fish for big fish such as barracudas. On the way down we are going to make multiple stops to different areas.
One of the stops we will be making is in West Virginia to raft of rapids. These rapids are not just the wimpy ones children go on. These rapids are ranked class 4 out of 5 and have killed people before in its past. Along with the rafting, we will be stopping at a nuclear sub base on the way down. At the sub base we get to sleep in the army gym and tour the area. We will get to see and learn about their newest nuclear subs and see some of the massive missiles they have at the base. One of the most things I am looking forward to on the trip is when we stop at the Everglades in Florida. When there we get to tour the areas and see the different alligators and crocodiles they have. The best part of all though, is we get to ride on a boat with a huge fan in the back that glides over the water.
The trip is going to be very fun, but not all of it is going to be great. My leaders name is Mcarly and when we are traveling down he might say “10miles till rest stop,” but everyone else knows MCarly miles. So when he says 10miles we know he really means 50-60 miles until we stop. Also the drive down is very long and hot. Some days we travel up to nine-ten hours in a day. As you should know, it is also very hot on the way down (Especially when you have a full car of kids and adults for eight hours). Overall though, I think is going to be a great trip and I cannot wait to see the great and sights and hopefully not get sun burned.
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