The Rwandan Genocide debate was very fun and exciting. I personally, was the United Nations. The United Nations played a key role in the Rwandan Genocide. Other teams such as the United States and Uganda tried to back us into a corner and tear us apart. We were asked many questions that were hard to answer, but luckily we were prepared for most of them. Some of the questions we got asked were “Why didn’t we help?” The easy answer was that we did not have the sufficient military support and weapons needed to face such a great opposition. Our counter question to that was “Since we did not have the military forces needed, then why did the United States deny us the tanks and military we asked for so that we could help in Rwanda? They had no answer and were stumped, but the bombardment of questions did not stop here. We also got asked “Why did we pull back our troupes after only ten of them died?” Our simple answer to that was by the time the reinforcements has gotten there, our 5,500 troupes would have been slaughtered. So to save their lives we pulled back to regroup with help from other countries and to get ready to go back in.
Other countries got interrogated with questions too besides us. The MRND was also asked many questions like “Why did u brainwash the Rwandan people?” They were prepared too and had answers to the questions. Jake was one of the main people asking all the questions during the debate. He kept asking the MRND questions and more questions until I thought they would pass out(which was good because it kept the questions of of the United Nations). Some people did not get to talk as much as they wanted to probably though like Uganda and the Interahamwe. Our main goal for everything was just to blame the United States. So if something got put or blamed on us we would somehow find a way to push it onto the United States. The United Nations was a very hard organization to do. It was not that hard to find out information of the United Nations role, but it was hard to find reasonable reasons why we pulled out of Rwanda and explanations to other hard questions. In the end though, I found that this pre Simen experience of being the United Nations in the Rwandan Genocide was a very fun thing to do in English. I cannot wait until the real Simen comes and I get a county to represent.
Word Count-431
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