Over the years there has been countless video games. Games have ranged from the original Pong to the new Modern Warfare 2. I have played many types of stations and games. These are my top five favorite games of all time.
1) Halo 3- Along with the good graphics and great game play, it has many great points. It is the third game of the series of four games. It is made by Microsoft on the X-Box 360. It has multi player online and some of the best campaigns of all time.
2)Gauntlet Legends- Gauntlet Legends was a game on the N64. It made its first showing on the NES. The one on the N64 might not have had the best graphics like the new games on X-Box 360 or Playstation 3, but it was one of the starting example for modern MMORPG games. It had a real great campaign of trying to capture the magic stones to face the final boss and sentance him back to hell. >=) It was a game that my friends and I could play for hours and hours on end for fun. (We once did a marathon of Gaunlet for 12 hours straight.)
3)Super Smash Brother Series- These set of three games (Orignal,Melee, and Brawl) have come a long way over the years. It all first started on the N64 with 8 characters and ten levels to conquere your enemies on. Over the years they updated to Melee on gamecube, then Brawl on the Wii. These games have been one of Nitendo's top selling games of all time. They feature all types of characters from Mario and Luigi to Samas and Link. These games are one of the best fighting games of all time to me.
4)Super Mario Bros.- Now if you are naming best games of all time, you cannot forget what started a lot of the videogame craze. These three games are on the NES and host Mario trying to get his love (Peach) back from Bowser. Boswer and Mario are always mortal enemies in all the games and the final boss is always some HUGE form of Bowser. These games were especially hard to beat, since they were on the NES the system would overheat more than a person in the Sahara desert.
5)Legend of Zelda series- Last but not least, you cannot forget about Link. He has been on countless journies to save Zelda from the newest Wii game (Twilite Princess) to the old NES Zelda games. The Zelda series has always been one of the most popular games by all people. Even though they don't always have th best of graphics, the makes work very hard to make the story line make up for that fact.
These are my favorite games of all time (there are many more these are just a few). Word Count 421